Esoteric insights
"It is wise to remember "Thoughts Are Things". They are the seeds from which our garden grows. In order to change the harvest, we must first plant new seeds."
~ The Kybalion ~
(Thoth / Hermes Trismegistus)
~ The Kybalion ~
(Thoth / Hermes Trismegistus)
Lots of people doing Yoga these days... Goat Yoga. Beer Yoga. Yoda Yoga? (probably)
Hahaha, that’s good!!
Yoga is an introduction to a 'Personal Cosmic Experience' which all people should explore for themselves.
It's unfortunate that many don’t dig deep enough to gain the profound truths hidden within these ancient traditions. They miss the best part (and the entire point of doing this work).
Yoga is an introduction to a 'Personal Cosmic Experience' which all people should explore for themselves.
It's unfortunate that many don’t dig deep enough to gain the profound truths hidden within these ancient traditions. They miss the best part (and the entire point of doing this work).
Yoga and Meditation are a Spiritual Philosophy.
They aren't meant to be a fashionable workout or stress relief tool, that's how it's been sold to the West. A consumerism approach which undervalues the true nature of what these actions represent and can teach the individual.
This is how The West works though, it must be packaged and sold as a product to gain an audience.
While there are plenty of superficial Yoga classes out there, there are even more teachers at least trying to introduce the more Esoteric concepts to students and Seekers who are ready are finding their way to deeper material.
I’m far from a Yogi Master, but I can speak to the profound meaning of these metaphysical arts.
They are Consciousness tools. Techniques used to refine the internal Self.
Processes to align oneself psychologically with a larger existence, and open a dialog with the true nature of The Universe. Techniques to learn the process of transcending childhood conditioning and trauma (Healing), while becoming enlightened to the societal illusions that cloud the unconscious thought process that perpetuate your mistakes (Self-Realization).
Conditioning is all the things the world did to you as you grew up, what you accepted as Truth when you didn't know any better. The things that shaped your mind, forcing you to perceive the world through a lens that is very specific to your vantage point.
Essentially; Conditioning is the Brainwashing you endured by your environmental experiences as a highly impressionable young mind.
For example, you may believe you have "daddy issues". This Self Identification has you walking through Life with this particular weight around your neck. This weight leads your thought process into repeating the same mistakes in your relationships. Every time you make this mistake again, you reinforce this identity trait, until you truly believe that this is WHO you are and there is no way out from it.
A Classic Ego Trap.
Your mind is so involved with itself, that it hasn't stopped to consider the bigger picture. It's only focused on the immediate Self, assuming that's all there is to know. This frame of mind starts as a very small box, which only gets smaller as the years roll on. Eventually, it's so psychologically tight that it creates anxieties and depressions at circumstances and events that are completely irrational and unecessary.
This is where defeat turn into therapy, medications and a loss of hope. The light inside goes out.
Unfortunately, this is a very common trait in people today. It's why you see angry people yelling at others for ridiculous, self righteous reasons. Why you see poverty overwhelm certain individuals. Why some people appear visibly broken. They've allowed themselves to be pushed to this stage of extinguished Light.
Meditation is how you avoid this.
Learning the process of opening yourself up to The Universe is how you transcend the inevitable bitterness and defeat that Life will try to push you into. Learning HOW to genuinely Forgive the Past (and Yourself). Learning WHY this trait is critical for your own mental health (and those around you). Learning WHEN to protect yourself from the worlds advances by setting Boundaries (and recognize when you're being Selfish).
And ultimately, learning WHO it is that you really are in this world.
This last one is the Skeleton key to all other answers you may seek. The real Healer. Doing the Self-Realization work towards a genuine understanding of your place in The Universe is the most powerful insight you can gain in this life.
You can workout at the gym every single day, but that won't fix the gaping black hole in the middle of your chest.
Wellness come from Self-Mastery. Self-Mastery comes from Self-Realization. If you want to Heal, to overcome your Depression...
Do the Self-Actualization work.
Get your priorities in order. You can't permanently fix your Mind by making your Body beautiful. That's not a deep enough Therapy, it's a band-aid. To get your Mind right, you need to genuinely Understand.
Understand Yourself. Understand The Universe. Wisdom.
Simply because you 'think' the world is filled with bad people, does not make it True. If you go outside and say HI! to the first person you meet on the street, I bet you get a pleasant response...
Maybe even strike up a friendship!
So the world isn't actually filled with bad people now, is it? You just tell yourself that's how it is, and then you go on believing it as though it were True.
The same fallacy applies to your Mental Health. Superficial tactics produce superficial results. Dogma does not Heal.
You can't simply 'think' it. You must learn to KNOW it.
Your life experiences, and your blindness to the illusion of Maya create a convincing reality for you... but that does not make it a 'True' Reality. It's just a fabricated delusion you are allowing yourself to live under. Learn to Stop doing that, and you will learn to be Well again.
You see, the world is actually filled with GOOD people, who have unfortunately convinced themselves they are having a BAD DAY... just like You.
This is the Actual Reality.
This is the Actual Reality.
Now that you understand this about yourself, and you understand that others are under the same delusion... you can go out and say "Hi!" to those people, perhaps helping them to have a GOOD day!
This is how Yoga/Meditation can rewire the poor condition your Mind is in right now. It can show you where your mind is going wrong, giving you the insight to fix it yourself.
Through a consistent meditation practice, and a sincere commitment to engaging your Higher Self by following the principles that arise with these actions... you begin to discover a symbiotic relationship with The Universe that you didn’t realize was there before.
You break the illusion. You wake up.
There are many interesting Yogic practices; Kriya, Vipassana, Jnana... they all have different approaches towards the same goal, yet some push harder into the Mystical than others. This is a personal choice, as not everyone is ready to embrace the psychology of heavy metaphysical philosophy at first.
If you've been reading and continue to do so, then I would suggest "Jnana" as a path forward. NonDuality.
If you’re trying to understand The Universe and your place in it, the concepts of Levitation and Mysticism are quite intriguing results to shoot for while you do the work. But if that sounds too heavy for you, "Vipassana" is a softer approach to learn the basic tenets of the practice, while still working on a process that actually goes somewhere. "Kriya" Yoga is a classic contortion practice, combining physical Yoga techniques into a sitting Meditation (tension/release).
Whichever you choose, it's important to have a process. Otherwise you will have no direction and likely give up.
Do some research for yourself, choose one that calls to you. Classes are not important, you can learn from books, youtube videos, even just a technique on a single blogpost. You can also switch practices anytime; level up, level down, whatever is comfortable for you.
The important part is simply sticking with it. Doing the work.
Ultimately, most legitimate Meditation practices are similar to the self-mastery process of Hermetic Alchemy. It's an ongoing process of self-realization, an unfolding of your innermost being.
You are essentially working through an inquiry process that helps uncover the false perceptions your egoic identity holds over your personal sovereignty (Illusions that create Suffering).
Once realized, these perceptions lose their ability to affect you, essentially burning away all the false conditioning you cling to. Clearing the Slate.
You gain an irreducible clarity of what the human being is within this realm of existence... Cosmic Consciousness!
This clarity opens up contemplation streams that allow an immense level of introspection towards every facet of the human condition, history and even a form of future prediction (the ability to recognize Foreshadowing and put the pieces together).
There is a profound Wisdom intrinsic to the true nature of all things. Learning to identify and read this intrinsic wisdom, this symbolism of The Universe, is part of the process.
This is where the Mystical side of Yoga gets it's mystique from... when you begin cognize the dimensional depth of "reality", anything becomes possible. The further you engage it, the more Infinite it becomes.
There is no "bottom" to Reality.
Once a certain level of Enlightenment is achieved, you are walking through the world in a state of Knowing... which feels a little like walking on water.

"When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know the Truth, and more than that, they shall realize that from the beginning Truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn as ministers to the needs of human creatures struggling to regain their consciousness of Divinity."
~ Manly P. Hall ~
(Author: The Secret Teachings of All Ages)
~ Manly P. Hall ~
(Author: The Secret Teachings of All Ages)