Esoteric insights
“If you meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him.”
~ Ancient Buddhist Zen Koan ~
~ Ancient Buddhist Zen Koan ~
Contemplating the enigma of ‘Oneness’ is one of the greatest joys of the human mind. The concept that all of Life is a dream, an infinitely complex thought in the Absolute mind of the Universe. Consciousness itself.
This unique mystical perception of the entire cosmic existence is the oldest spiritual concept mankind has been Enlightened with... it sources back to the teachings of Thoth at the Egyptian Mystery Schools, through the Yogis of Ancient India (before Christ), then expanded into Zen Buddhism... where this phrase originates.
It’s meaning is persistently muddled by the profane masses who openly judge without any knowledge of what they speak, which only serves to mire the original wisdom and further drive it into obscurity... only to be occasionally rediscovered by the rare Seeker of Truth & Wisdom. The one who earnestly seeks the true answer to the meaning of existence... The Bodhisattva.
To understand the phrase, you must understand a simple paradox... ALL is ONE.
All of Life is the manifestation of a singular mind; Cosmic Consciousness. Therefore, the ‘you’ that thinks itself is separate from the outside world (Duality), is an illusion. You are a fragment of the illusion, within the illusion... which means you ARE the mind that dreams the dream. The Consciousness behind your eyes is the same Consciousness that creates everything in the infinite Universe. Collective Consciousness. Cosmic Consciousness. Universal Consciousness. Call it whatever you want... it's all the same thing; YOU!
You are One.
All is One.

In Kundalini Yoga and the Neti Neti (Not This, Not That) meditation practice of self-inquiry, the goal is to remove all exoteric separation from your mind... you are psychologically unfolding your conditioned belief of separateness, killing off your illusion of Duality... in the Self-Realization process of coming face-to-face with the Absolute Truth of who you are. When there is nothing left, there you are. The Absolute.
If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him...
because there is no one here but you.