Esoteric insights
There’s a Revolution going on...
The Evolution Revolution!
~ Pitch.Black.Zen ~
The Evolution Revolution!
~ Pitch.Black.Zen ~
If you haven’t heard, “Consciousness” is kind of a big deal right now... and I don’t mean wakefulness... we’re talking psychedelic drugs, ancient aliens and ESP man!!
Hahaha, well not quite... while all those elements appear to be shaping-up in mankind’s near future, that’s not the whole story... because the story is muuuuch older than that!
If we can finally open our closed minds enough to accept the genuine capability of the entire history of man, the story expands into a tale more epic than simply extraterrestrials visiting the planet (as if they aren’t already here).
It begins to tell a story of Evolution in motion, the next phase of humanity coming into fruition!
Timothy Leary eluded to this in his book "StarSeed", along with the rare and unusual 1977 comic book “Neurocomics: Timothy Leary”:

The evolution of Consciousness is more fantastic than most people have even imagined... while many, many, maaaaany other "Conscious" individuals are well-versed in the beginning stages of this dramatic change to the human race on a cosmic scale!
Sounds like crazy talk, huh?
To the uninitiated, it certainly would... but there is a growing population of human beings that are finally understanding what the Indigenous Shamans of the Peruvian Jungles have been referring to all these thousands of years. What the purpose and meaning of Meditation and Yoga are...
How “plant medicine” is the most profound subject in the entire history of the human race...
And in-turn, what Timothy Leary and The Sunshine Makers were raving on about during the 60’s Revolution!
If you hadn't noticed, that revolution is STILL happening man... and stronger than ever... here's a quote from the Johns Hopkins (University of Medicine) Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research:
"Scientists today are entering a new era of studying a truly unique class of pharmacological compounds known as psychedelics. Although research with these compounds was first started in the 1950s and ‘60s, it abruptly ended in the early 1970s in response to unfavorable media coverage, resulting in mis-perceptions of risk and highly restrictive regulations. After a decades-long hiatus, in 2000 our research group at Johns Hopkins was the first to obtain regulatory approval in the United States to re-initiate research with psychedelics in healthy volunteers."
One of the most famous medical universities / hospitals on Earth has officially been studying psilocybin mushrooms for medical use since the year 2000!
In that time Ayahuasca retreats and churches have popped up the world over (even within the United States, legally). Not to mention recreational Marijuana Legalization in multiple States, including the Nations Capital; Washington, DC. As well as Ketamine Treatment Centers all over the country. Magic Mushroom growing kits can be purchased online, while people from all walks of Life are vaping DMT and talking to "entities" inside psychedelic realms akin to majestic spiritual temples of science fiction.
Shits getting weird man, and science is starting to take it seriously. You still think the 60’s revolution ended?
All this mind-expansion and Consciousness stuff is pointing in a direction that the status quo is reluctant to fully approach just yet... That's natural, change is always unexpected and difficult to face, especially on the existential level... you can bury your head in the sand, but that doesn't mean it's not happening.
The planet is in the process of forcing an existential dread on the populations of humanity...
Pandemics sweeping the globe. The Earth burning in climate disaster with all signs pointing to the oil / cattle / money-driven lifestyle that the human race has adopted in place of common sense and respect for Gaia, the living entity we symbiotically exist within. Meanwhile the strongest psychedelic drugs known to man are turning into household names, leading to professional medical research with the intent to become mainstream cures for classic "Depression".
This is exactly what the 60’s hippies were trying to get people to see for themselves. To open your crusty-old third eye and recognize the game of Life for what it actually is...

There’s an Evolution going on;
Turn On, Tune In... Zen Out!
The Future is
There’s an Evolution going on;
Turn On, Tune In... Zen Out!
The Future is